There are 11 Employability Centres functioning in the State. Action is in progress to setup Employability Centres in all Districts in the State. (14)
- Employability Centre, Thiruvananthapuram
- Employability Centre, Kollam
- Employability Centre, Alapuzha
- Employability Centre, Kottayam
- Employability Centre, Ernakulam
- Employabilty Centre, Thrissur
- Employabilty Centre, Palakkad
- Employabilty Centre, Malappuram
- Employabilty Centre, Kozhikkode
- Employability Centre, Kannur
- Employability Centre, Kasargod
Unemployment of the educated youth is a serious concern of the society. One of the cause of the problem is a mismatch between the skills that employers need and skills possessed by potential job seekers. The solution is to develop their skills and enhance employability. For this purpose, Employment Exchanges in the state have to transform into Centres of Skill & Employability Development.
The purpose of the scheme is to make the work force of Kerala globally acceptable by imparting exhaustive skill training according to the international standards so that the opportunities of the job seekers will be enhanced. For this, Skill Gap Analysis will be done through various process and gap filling training will be given.
After the training, testing and certification will be done and a Skill Card will be given to the pass outs. A pooling web site of the skilled work force will be started for global access by prospective employers. Job Fests also will be conducted to promote placements.
Exhaustive training will also be given for appearing in various competitive examinations. Training will also be given for improving Soft Skills and Communication Skills and for performing well in Group Discussion and Interviews.
Benefits of the schemes
- To boost placement
- To provide good quality skilled work force to the industry
- To promote Self Employment
Why Skill Development and Employability Centres.
About 43 Lakhs of unemployed persons have registered in the Employment Exchanges. On a close watch it is seen that most of them belong to one the following group.
a) Some possess qualification but having no skill.
b) Some of them possess skill but having no certificate.
c) Some of them possess both certificate and skill but are not aware of the opportunities around them.
It is not possible to provide government job to all the educated unemployed persons of Kerala. So it is the social indebtedness of the government to make the unemployed educated youth to equip them to exploit other opportunities available with in the country and abroad.
Action Plan
As the I phase, 4 Employability Centres will be established, one each attached to the District Employment Exchanges at Kollam, Ernakulam and Kozhikode, utilizing the plan fund of 200 Lakhs allocated for the financial year 2012-13.
The project will be implemented through KASE- Kerala Academy for Skills Excellance( a Kerala Government Undertaking, functioning as the nodal agency.
To have a well furnished centre in the District Employment Exchange premises with good ambience.
Should have a front office, facilitation room, training hall, etc
Training hall should be smart class enabled with facility to seat 25 persons with LCD Projection, Public Address System and Video conferencing facility.
Functional Activities
- Registration
- Screening
- Assessment
- Psychometric Testing
- Skill Gap Analysis
- Skill Training
- Skill Testing
- Certification
- Smart Card facility
- Conduct Job Fest
- Canvas Potential Employers
- Pooling web site for the skilled workforce
- Beneficiary Selection
From Live Register of Employment Exchanges
Through Media Advertisements
Sponsored by Employers
Project Management Organization Structure
- State Level
A team under State Project Manager SVGO
- District LeveL
A team under District Project Manager EO(VG)
Supervision & Monitoring
The RDDE and DEOs concerned will supervise and monitor the project within their jurisdiction.
Capacity Building
A team of officers with flair, aptitude and willingness has to be selected and trained for the project.
Project Management training to be imparted through agencies with expertise in the respective field.
Technical Expertise
Will be required in the following fields and has to be outsourced
Screening & Assessment
Skill Gap Analysis
Skill Training
Skill Testing & Certification
Agencies like Team Lease and ICA with expertise in the respective field will conduct the above activities.
Expected outcome:
Increase in employability of the workers
Gradation of skill sets
Better productivity
Increased social mobility.
Growth of Industries through quality work
More Self Employment Ventures