Persons With Disability Act – PWD Act 1995

Special Employment Assistance to Differently Abled job seekers is rendered through all Employment Exchanges in the State. In addition there are 6 Special Employment Exchanges, and 9 Special Cells exclusively for the Differently Abled job seekers. Camp registrations are held in remote areas to render employment services to the Differently Abled incapable of coming to the Employment Exchanges.

Special concession is given to Differently Abled job seekers. They are given special consideration in the renewal of registration. They are given concession in the upper age limit ranging from 10 years to 15 years. They are included in the priority group. One Differently Abled candidate is submitted additionally to the employer against each State Government vacancy notified in the Employment Exchanges. They are given certain concessions under the Unemployment Assistance Scheme and Self Employment Scheme.

Special Employment Exchanges are set up in certain districts exclusively for the differently abled candidates and some placement cells are functioning in some selected Employment Exchanges for the welfare of the Differently Abled candidates. Free coaching classes also are conducted for them to enable them to appear for various competitive examinations with confidence.

Persons having disability should approach any one of the District Medical Board, Medical Board at Medical Colleges or Taluk Medical Boards as the case may be. The Board will examine them and issue Differently Abled Certificate.

Age relaxation

Differently Abled candidates are eligible for age relaxation as follows,

For Central Government vacancies the differently abled are exclusively eligible for an age relaxation of 10 years in their upper age limit. But against State government /State Government (Quasi) vacancies age relaxation allowed is as follows.

  1. Visually disabled 15 Years
  2. Hearing/Speech /Hearing Disabled 15 Years
  3. Loco motor / orthopedically disabled 10 Years

In addition to this they can enjoy the usual age relaxation allowed to SC/ST/OBC/Ex-Service etc, However the maximum age for considering against State Government/State Government (Quasi) vacancies is limited to 50 years

Some vacancies are not suitable for differently abled

eg: a) those jobs requiring good physique for which differently abled candidates are not suitable.
      b) Visually impaired persons for clerical work.

Regularisation of temporary Physically Handicapped employees in Government Service

Physically Handicapped candidates who were temporarily recruited through Employment Exchanges to various state government vacancies have been given reappointment and have been regularized from time to time. These periods are as follows.

1) 1981 (SAARC international year of the disabled).
Vide circular 53282/SDI/8 dated 02/06/82.
G.O.(P)No.147/84/GAD dated 11/05/84.

2) 01/01/97 to 31/12/97 (Golden jubilee year of Independence)
Vide G.O.(P) No.32/98/P&ARD dated 28/09/98

3) 01/01/98 to 14/8/98 (Golden Jubilee Year of Independence)
Vide G.O. (P) NO.10/99/P&ARD dated 17/05/99.
Unemployment allowance for physically handicapped registrants?

The criteria for unemployment allowance to physically handicapped registrants are

  • Age 20 -35
  • 2 years continuous registration seniority after attaining the age of 18.
  • S.S.L.C. (Should appear for S.S.L.C Examination through proper schooling)
  • Annual family income should not exceed Rs.12,000/
  • Monthly personal income should not exceed Rs.100/

Steps taken to enhance employability, employment scope and employment rate of Physically Handicapped registrants

To enhance the employability of physically handicapped they are given,

  1. Educational guidance,
  2. Vocational guidance,
  3. Coaching classes for competitive examinations,
  4. Seminars etc

One day coaching cum guidance class is given to those physically handicapped registrants nominated by Employment Exchanges every month, to enhance the employment scope of physically handicapped,

Prospective employers are contacted and special appeal is made to employ physically handicapped persons.